2564 We talk a lot about Star Wars Galaxies Legends and the SWGemu here on MOP, and we even covered the… let's call it tumultuous launch of SWG 24 ก. What is NGE SWG? For all that the MMO community references Star Wars Galaxies’ New Game Enhancements (NGE) as a synonym for devs breaking a game with a horrible patch, expansion, or business decision, the actual details of the referenced events have become blurred through time, retellings, and a sort of weird mythology. 00 General Information Last Activity 02-27-2020 02:45 AM Join Date 02-25-2020 Referrals 0 A Trandoshan Jedi.

The trials were administered by the Jedi High Council to any Padawan they deemed worthy of becoming a Jedi.