Jonny Boy is also flanked by two femme fatale sharpshooters who use English like it's their fourth language. In SGW3 you must fill the incredibly generic boots of Jonathan “Jon” North, a JSOC operative who's lone-wolfing a mission to dismantle some Georgian separatists led by a mysterious bad-ass.

Let's get the worst stuff out of the way first: script, voice acting and load times. Unfortunately, that's also been loaded in with a cliché plot that's muddled and without scope. Rambling about the countryside, like a boy scout crossed with Lee Harvey Oswald, picking who dies next and from which extreme range or angle, was always gonna be a bullseye. For the first time in the franchise, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 (SGW3) is taking square aim at the open-world shenanigans of the Far Cry series.